Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dangerous Dieting

Crash diets have the ultimate appeal: lose lots of weight in a short time and without much effort. However, these diets come with some small print that is easy to miss. Lose weight too quickly and you're likely to gain it back. Diets that cause rapid weight loss are also likely to be unhealthy. Picking the wrong diet can put your health at risk.*

To know more about the types of dangerous diet please read this article.


Diets that completely eliminate a food group can also be dangerous. To stay healthy, your body needs carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Drastically reduce one of those groups and you'll be missing out in a number of nutrients. For example, some vitamins are fat soluble. If you eliminate fats or take fat blockers like U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved diet pill Alli, your body might not be able to absorb certain vitamins, according to*




Do need more energy? Do want to feel better? All you have to do is EXERCISE. The benefits of physical activities and health are hard to be ignored. Giving yourself a time to daily exercise can prevent weight gain and help to maintain weight loss. Doing some physical activities make you feel happier and relaxed. Exercises can help you to control many diseases such as blood pressure and heart diseases. 

In order to know if people are aware of the importance of doing exercises please click Here and complete this survey.

Exercise While You Are Busy:                                                                                      

Many of us sit for a long period of time at the computer or in the office doing our work. Which causes pain in different areas in the body like neck, back, and shoulders. To avoid having this kind of pain I advise you to do the following stretches when you are working in your office or throughout the day. Also, be sure that you take a short break to get up and talk a walk around your working place.

This photo shows some exercises that you can do them in office

Post Delivery Care – Looking After Mom

New parents (specially moms) are often being busy taking care for their new baby born all the time, and they exclude everything else even when it comes to their wellbeing. Parents most of the time complain that they are tired and they don’t have time for their selves which result in ignoring their life and health. Especially for moms, having a new baby is a physical and emotional challenge to satisfy their baby’s needs. So, your health should not be ignored by the change of your lifestyle. Remember if you don’t satisfy yourself physically and emotionally you will not fulfill your little angel’s needs.

Get Help!!

Generally, taking care of yourself start with the pregnancy and continue to post delivery period and giving good attention to post delivery period is important. Initially you should get advice from professionals; they will give you the proper advice on the course to maintain health of body and mind. In most cases family members would give required assistance so it should be used well.

These tips can help new moms to manage their fatigue:

·         First, you should expect to be tired.

·         It is a big chance for you to take a nap when your baby naps.

·         Give your baby a shower at evening. That will make him fresh and he/she will sleep for long time. So you will have a long rest at that time.

·         Be relaxed and consult with a doctor if you see any problem with your surgery or with your baby.

For more information related to your health during post-delivery watch this video



Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Health Ride Blog

Hi all..

I would like to welcome you all to my blog and to my first article. In this blog I am going to share with you how to keep up healthy and have a better life, what is better than living healthy?! Read this article and this one about importance of living healthy.

We can keep ourselves young for a long time and living without any health problems and diseases. We can reach that through following proper eating habits that help the immune system to carry out its functions, and protect the body from any physical or psychological problem.

What can you find in this site?

In this place you will find various topics. With the large number of health products/services in the market we always wonder about what is the best one for us and for our children.

So, in this place you will find what the top product/ services that satisfies you.

If you are willing to know about specific product and whether it fits you or not please contact me on this Email

Moreover, for newly parents I will share with you my experience and opinion on what is new in the market for babies and mothers.

My products

I am going to focus on some product which I have a perfect experience in trying them. My main products on this blog are:

·         Subscriptions for Prime Bites Center

·         Mlesna white tea

·         Avent baby products

·         Sebamed product

In future I will write about each one of them individually to share with you my experience with them.

Thank You :)